Workbook 5. Violent Behaviour & Fighting KS2

Welcome to Workbook 5. Violent Behaviour & Fighting, specially adapted for Key Stage 2 (KS2) pupils. This workbook is designed to help young students understand their emotions, develop empathy, and learn effective strategies for managing conflicts peacefully.

Lesson 1: Why Do We Get Upset? Students explore different feelings and understand why they sometimes feel angry or sad. The lesson emphasizes that it’s okay to have these feelings but not okay to hurt others.

Lesson 2: Being a Good Friend This lesson teaches students how to be good friends by using kind words, sharing, and helping others. It highlights the positive impact of kindness on the school environment.

Lesson 3: Calming Down Students learn various strategies to calm down when they feel upset, such as deep breathing, counting, and taking a break. The lesson encourages practicing these techniques to make better choices.

Lesson 4: Using Our Words This lesson focuses on the power of words to solve problems and express feelings. Students practice using “I” statements and active listening to communicate effectively.

Lesson 5: We’re All in This Together Students learn about teamwork and helping each other to create a safe and happy school environment. The lesson emphasizes the importance of working together and supporting one another.

This workbook is an essential tool for KS2 pupils, providing them with the knowledge and skills to navigate social interactions, build positive relationships, and contribute to a safe and inclusive school environment. By actively engaging with this workbook, students will develop essential skills to promote peaceful conflict resolution and uphold the values of compassion, hard work, respect, integrity, and fairness. 

All KS2 workbooks are designed to be completed on average of 2 hours with the support of a teacher / teaching assistant.

Don’t let disruptive behaviour derail your pupils education. Our workbooks offer a proven structured approach to address the challenging behaviours and promote positive change. Order your copy today and start making a difference.

This workbook is available as several options:

Titles available

1. Violent Behaviour & fighting

2. Disruption in Class

3. Breaktime Behaviour

4. Refusal to Follow Instructions

5. Bullying

6. Disrespectful Behaviour Towards Staff

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