Workbook 5. Violent Behaviour & Fighting SEND

Welcome to Workbook 5: Violent Behaviour & Fighting, specially adapted for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) pupils. This workbook is designed to help students understand the reasons behind violent behaviour, develop empathy, and learn effective strategies for managing conflicts peacefully.

Lesson 1: Why Do We Sometimes Fight? Students explore common reasons for disagreements and arguments at school, such as misunderstandings, frustration, and feeling excluded. The lesson emphasizes recognizing the connection between misunderstandings and conflict.

Lesson 2: The Empathy Edge This lesson introduces the concept of empathy, described as a superpower that allows students to understand and share the feelings of others. Students practice taking another person’s perspective to better understand their emotions.

Lesson 3: Chill Out! Calming Down Before Things Get Wild Students learn various cool-down strategies to manage frustration and calm down before reacting in heated situations. Techniques include deep breathing, counting, and taking a break.

Lesson 4: Words Matter This lesson focuses on the power of clear and calm communication to avoid misunderstandings. Students learn to use “I” statements, listen actively, and focus on finding solutions together.

Bonus Lesson: You Got This! Students are encouraged to be kind, help others, and stand up to bullying. The lesson emphasizes the importance of following school values and creating a positive school environment.

This workbook is an essential tool for SEND pupils, providing them with the knowledge and skills to navigate social interactions, build positive relationships, and contribute to a safe and inclusive school environment. By actively engaging with this workbook, students will develop essential skills to promote peaceful conflict resolution and uphold the values of compassion, hard work, respect, integrity, and fairness.

By actively engaging with the material in this workbook, students will gain a deeper understanding of these core values and their practical application in daily life. The workbook encourages self-reflection, critical thinking, and the development of essential life skills, empowering students to become responsible, compassionate, and successful individuals.

Designed to be used in either a classroom environment, your Internal Exclusion room or as home work for a student subject to suspension from school.

This workbook is available as several options:

  • Part of 3 pack bundle including Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and SEND adapted workbook for £6.50 (saving 28%)          TES link for 3 pack bundle

Titles available 

1. School Core Values 
2. Attendance & Truancy
3. Drug Education 
4. Understanding Racism
5. Violent Behaviour & Fighting
6. Disrespectful Behaviour Towards Staff 
7. Homophobic Discrimination
8. Bullying & Cyber Bullying
9. Smoking & Vaping
10. The Importance of School Uniform
11. Attending School Detentions
12. Bringing the School into Disrepute
14. Vandalism in School
15. Theft in school
16. Inappropriate Language in School
17. Prohibited Items
18. Refusal to Follow Instructions
19. Fundamental British Values
20. Community Time Behaviour
21. Unkind Behaviour Towards Others 

* Please note workbook 13 Inappropriate use of Social Media is a FREE download for KS3, KS4 & SEND students. Download it today.

Once purchased you are free to adapt the workbook to suit your own school including your school logo.

Also included for FREE are all future updates to this and all workbooks purchased.

If you have an idea for a workbook that would work for your school that you would like me to create please email me on If I publish it your copy is FREE.

Don't let disruptive behaviour derail your students' education. Our workbooks offer a proven structured approach to address the challenging behaviours and promote positive change. Order your copy today and start making a difference.

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